A selection of stories from Debbie Drechsler detailing the sexual abuse she received at the hands of her father. Chilling, poignant, beautiful work.
Debbie Drechsler's great art is to mercilessly describe her devastating experiences in exacting detail, yet with great sensitivity, through the eyes of an adolescent —despite the awfulness of the experiences, the world can sometimes turn into a place full of poetry.
The selection of the stories and the design of the album was done in close collaboration with the author.
Text in German.
Ganz aus der subjektiven Sicht des Mädchens Lily wird von der Gewalt erzählt, der sie zu Hause in der Schule ausgesetzt ist – in einer Mischung aus Ohnmacht und Nüchternheit, die um so alptraumhafter und gespenstischer wirkt.
Kerstin Faude, Radio EINS