Ready, set, WET!... Cutting edge Los Angeles culture from the early 1980s! New Wave art, design, film, sounds and stylized living. WET #32 includes:
•Japanese Buyer’s Guide to Los Angeles Street Fashion
•Health: Enlist your Lymph Glands in the Fight Against Cellulite
•Business: The Stroke
•Kristine McKenna interviews David Lynch
•Gourmet Bathing: Wet Quartet
•5 Queens
•Civilization: Hart Island, New York, Island of the Dead
•Slash/Stuff, Wet Interviews Steve Samiof
•Music: Elvis Costello
•The Serious building Climber’s Handbook
•First Homosexual Baths in Tokyo Tryout
•Hostage Groupie
•Why Italian Toilets Get Better Mileage