Greetings from Delusionville is a deluxe oversized hardcover coffee table book, 11 by 14 inches; 256 full-color pages with over 100 images set with lyrics.
Once in the timeline of Planet Earth a spaceship with a crew of alien Rabbbits crash landed. ...
Welcome to Ron English's Delusionville.
This is Ron English's magnum opus, a subversive rock opera, featuring Ronnnie Rabbbit, and a surreal cast of characters.
Buzzards, pigs, sheep, turtles, ducks, wolves, and the “rabbbits” who are caught in the middle of all the insanity that is Delusionville.
Delusionville tells the story of a society that formed as different animals fell down a rabbit hole and created a world with their own mythologies, religion, and politics.
It is an opera in three acts:
Act One – Introduces all of the characters in Delusionville and brings into question the nature of their society and their various places in the social order.
Act Two – The animals get riled up about the economic disparity and social injustice in their previously unquestioned world of delusion.
Act Three – A very unusual take on revolution.
Ron English
Hardcover ∙ Full Color ˙ 256 pages ˙ 14˝ x 11˝ Landscape
Last Gasp ∙ ISBN 978-0-86719-889-8
Retail Price: $69